With a large green house and 2 large outdoor gardens we stay busy during the growing season. We usually have a little of everything that will grow here in southwest Missouri. While we stockpile our freezer with cut yellow squash & zucchini, okra, tomatoes and other vegetables we also have a lot of produce available to the public to buy. Visit our Whats Available section to see what we currently have available to purchase. Our first season was a little on the chaotic side but we are always learning and changing to adapt. Since we do have chickens and horses we like being able to use some of our own manure as fertilizer. We are not 100% organic we do use some store bought fertilizers and insecticides but we are slowly moving more and more organic. We will usually have Okra, Yellow Squash, Zucchini, Tomatoes, Cantaloupe, Watermelon, and Pumpkins. Our first season we didn't get a great harvest of our watermelons but our pumpkins and cantaloupe made up for it. Each season is a challenge as to what we want to plant and how much. The good thing is none of our produce ever goes to waste. The items we don't sell or consume for ourselves get given to our animals. The pumpkins are a favorite of our goats and chickens and the seeds act as a natural dewormer for them. The equine love the apples from our trees. The chickens love anything else that is left over. We will sometimes have unique items such as ghost peppers and eggplant depending on the demand for these types of items. Did you know that chickens do not have a sense of spice heat this makes thinks like peppers great for them as they don't feel the heat of the peppers but the internal parasites do and this can act as a natural dewormer. Come on out and visit us to get some local produce or try your hand at picking weeds (we don't mind the help). You can email us ahead of time to set up a time to stop by.
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